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Achieving Organizational Sustainability Through Innovation and Leadership

January 11, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm PST

(in-person at 6:30 PM; WebEx at 7:00 PM)
In-Person Location: Plug and Play Tech Center, 440N Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale
WebEx Link: https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=ma3b0395153026d29967b91b09408bdd1
Meeting number: 2535 755 7615
Meeting password: ySQ34He3n8R
Join by phone:
+1-415-655-0002 United States Toll
1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free
SUMMARY: Everyone – at every level – wants to believe that their organization will be able to keep up with constant industry change. With technology moving so fast and disruption the norm, being an innovative organization is fundamental to your organization’s very survival.
The problem is that while change is constant and fast, innovation requires ideas and adoption. Ideas are sporadic and adoption is slow.
That’s why true, sustainable institutional innovation isn’t about waiting for ideas to strike, it’s about actively implementing an inclusive innovation process that incorporates effective technology management, finding opportunities, gaining executives’ buy-in, and moving forward with our best ideas. It is important to avoid distractions (financial concerns, internal power struggles, finding the “big idea”) so we don’t overlook opportunities around us. We should enact the leadership capable of piloting our organization to success so that our capabilities keep pace with market realities and emerging opportunities. This means tapping into the genius of each employee for new product ideas and then providing the leadership that fosters the trust and collaboration needed to bring those ideas to fruition.
Learning Objectives:
– Discover the three hidden barriers to sustainability that hamper organizations.
– Learn four steps for activating employees to identify emergent opportunities.
– Take away five principles leaders can implement to support sustainable innovation.
Speaker(s): Leslie Martinich, Karen Koepp
6:30 PM: sandwiches/drinks and networking time
7:00 PM: Introduction and talks
8:00 PM: Q&A and discussion
Plug and Play Tech Center, 440 N Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale, California, United States, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/390912