Wideband digital active electronically scanned array systems require protection at each element against RF interference to avoid saturation of components. Such protection is offered by high performance RF filters of physical dimension that fit within the elemental spacing of the array. The COmpact Front-end Filters at the ElEment-level (COFFEE) program leverages material breakthroughs to create compact RF filters of differentiating device performance. Through COFFEE, new advances in dipole engineering of piezoelectric thin films while controlling crystallinity and composition have led to acoustic resonators, a fundamental building block of filters, with record breaking coupling coefficients and quality factors at 18 GHz and 50 GHz. Moreover, simulations of new magnetostatic filter designs enabled by newly developed ferrite processing and integration show state-of-the-art tunability in the range of 2‑18 GHz and 45‑50 GHz. COFFEE’s material developments are complemented by circuit-based approaches such as N-path and evanescent cavity filters. The diverse approaches within the COFFEE program are fighting physics against physics to determine the most promising technologies for the next generation of compact, high frequency filters with low loss and high-power handling.
Speaker(s): Dr. Benjamin Griffin,
6:30 – 6:50 PM Registration & Networking
6:50 – 7 PM Announcements
7:00 – 7:45 PM Invited Talk
7:45 – 8:00 PM Questions & Answers
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/355932
Breakthrough Materials for Compact RF Front-end Filters

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