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The Rise of the Quantum Internet: From No-Cloning to Teleportation

October 10, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am PDT

Abstract: The interconnection of quantum devices via the Quantum Internet – i.e., through a network enabling quantum communications among remote quantum nodes – represents a disruptive technology. The Quantum Internet can provide functionalities with no counterpart in the classical world, such as advanced quantum security services, distributed quantum computing services characterized by exponential increases in computing power, and new forms of communications. These functionalities have the potential of fundamentally changing the world in which we live, in ways we cannot imagine yet.
The lecture aims to provide the participants with a wide view of quantum communications and quantum networks, and the unique challenges of transmitting quantum information. For this, some marvels of quantum mechanics such as entanglement, no-cloning theorem, and teleportation, will be gently introduced.
Bio: Angela Sara Cacciapuoti is a Professor of Quantum Communications and Networks at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy). Her work has appeared in first-tier IEEE journals and she received different awards, including the “2024 IEEE ComSoc Award for Advances in Communication”, the “2022 IEEE ComSoc Best Tutorial Paper Award”, the “2022 WICE Outstanding Achievement Award” for her contributions in quantum communication and network fields, and “2021 N2Women: Stars in Networking and Communications”.
She also received the IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Service Award for EMEA 2023, assigned for outstanding service to IEEE ComSoc in the EMEA Region. Currently, she is an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer with lecture topics on Quantum Internet design and Quantum Communications. She serves also as a Member of the TC on SPCOM within the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Moreover, she serves as Area Editor for IEEE Trans. on Communications and as Editor/Associate Editor for the journals: IEEE Trans. on Quantum Engineering, IEEE Network, and IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. She served as Area Editor for IEEE Communications Letters(2019 – 2023), and she was the recipient of the 2017 Exemplary Editor Award of the IEEE Communications Letters. In 2023, she also served as Lead Guest Editor for IEEE JSAC special issue "The Quantum Internet: Principles, Protocols, and Architectures". From 2020 to 2021, Angela Sara was the Vice-Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Women in Communications Engineering. Previously, she has been appointed as Publicity Chair of WICE. From 2017 to 2020, she was the Treasurer of the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group of the IEEE Italy Section. Her research interests are in Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Communications, and Quantum Networks.
Co-sponsored by: Pradeep Kumar
Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/436047


October 10, 2024
8:00 am - 9:00 am PDT
Event Category:


October 10, 2024
8:00 am - 9:00 am PDT
Event Category: