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Largest Umbrella Organization Of Engineering Societies In Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley Engineering Events

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Hall Of Fame Members

SVEC Application Forms & Links:

Application for SVEC Education Award: 2023

SVEC Keeper of the Flame Award for Teachers

Silicon Valley Leaders
Are Saying

Leaders who have made big difference in our lives

Dr. Fred Barez
WWe started Silicon Valley Engineering Council back in 1990 and I’m really excited to be part of it, our purpose was to create an umbrella organization for all technical societies in Silicon Valley…

Dr. Fred Barez

SVEC Hall of Fame Inductee 2020
Dr. Terry Shoup
SVEC Hall of Fame is really a tremendous honor in Silicon Valley, there are some wonderful people who have been inducted to the Hall of Fame and they’ve done really significant things for this community, they cross boundaries and what they’ve done in engineering have made such a big difference in our lives…

Dr. Terry Shoup

Former Dean of Engineering, Santa Clara University, SVEC Hall of Fame
Dr. Steven Chu
It’s essential to keep the flow of young people excited to go into professions that really build for the future, and I wish Silicon Valley Engineering Council the best of success…

Dr. Steven Chu

Former Secretary of Energy, Nobel Laureate, Professor at Stanford University